Should I Hire An Attorney For My Accident Or Work With The Insurance Company Alone?
There are numerous advertisements on television that urge those that have been injured in an accident to call for legal help. They make the matter seem urgent and that your time is running out, yet they don’t specify how much time you have. If you have been the victim of an accident, there are some things that you need to know about when and how you should proceed with legal action.

When Claims Don't Require Legal Assistance
First and foremost, you should know that many claims don’t need the help of an attorney. If the case is clear-cut, like with soft tissue damage, the other party admits fault, and the medical bills are under $10,000, then you can handle the claim alone. If there are no extenuating circumstances that require some investigation, uncertainties about coverage, the statute of limitations is in question, then you can save money by making a deal with the insurance company yourself.
You can always try to resolve the case without an attorney, and you do have the option of hiring professional help later. You should seek advice from a lawyer when these situations are present:
•Liability issues are not clear
•Liability issues are shared
•The adjuster wants your medical records before the wreck.
•The insurance company/adjuster makes an offer that is too low.
•You are offered a structured settlement rather than a lump payment.
•You feel the insurance company is taking advantage of the situation.
•You cannot effectively negotiate.
•Your lost wages are hard to determine because you are self-employed, a consultant or a sales professional
When Claims Do Require Legal Assistance
Though it's best to have legal auto insurance lawyers representation from the start, there are times when you think you can handle it on your own but cannot. Here are the times when you should have an attorney on board:
•You have situations that make your claim worth more than the average.
•You have been denied by the insurance adjuster, and they are not reconsidering your claim.
•The insurance company gave you a low-ball offer.
•Your injuries are substantial, and you have the medical bills to prove it.
•You are disabled because of the accident and will have medical bills long into the future.
•A minor was involved in the accident.
•You are being blamed for the accident when it wasn’t your fault, or you are only partially responsible.
•It’s been over a year, and there still is no settlement.
•You are approaching the statue of limitations for your state.
•There needs to be an expert investigation because the circumstances are complex.
•The other party served you with a lawsuit.
Final Considerations For Legal Help
Always be mindful of the statute of limitations for your state. In most cases, it’s two years, but there are still stipulations that can affect this time frame.
Also, make sure you talk to a lawyer before you talk to the insurance adjuster. Never admit guilt to the accident, even if you think you were partially at fault. Many people make statements that can come back to haunt them should they go to trial.
Handling auto insurance claims is difficult at best. If at any time you feel that you are in over your head or concerned about the progression of your request, then you should call for legal help.
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