Legal Guide

3 Questions To Ask Before You Hire An Attorney

If you ever find yourself facing legal action in a courtroom, it is always best to have an attorney on your side. Representing yourself is a risky game to play, especially when a qualified attorney is so readily available.

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Here are three questions that you should always ask before hiring a lawyer to make sure that they are the right fit for your case.

What Is Their Past Experience Like?

Before you commit to using an attorney, you should thoroughly investigate their past work and experience. Needless to say, an attorney who has experience arguing cases that are similar to the one you are currently fighting is more valuable to you than fresh-faced and inexperienced junior attorneys. Ask any prospective attorney about their past and pay particular attention to how they have handled cases like yours in the past.

As well as asking about their experience in the relevant field of law, it is also worth asking whether they have any past experience arguing in the courthouse that your case will be heard in or in front of the judge who will preside over it. Their past experience and the outcomes they secured will usually give you a good indicator of whether they are likely to handle your case well or not.

It is up to you whether you are looking for a lawyer who handles mostly, or perhaps only, cases that are similar to yours, or whether you look for someone more versatile and well-rounded. There are many advantages to using firms like Cline Jensen P.A. who are comprised of lawyers with wide-ranging experience.

Do They Have Any Conflicts Of Interest?

A good lawyer should always declare any conflict of interest they have that might be relevant to your case, but it is always worth asking. Note that a conflict of interest in itself doesn't mean that a lawyer can't or shouldn't represent you. As long as both you and they are aware of the full extent of their conflict, it is up to you whether you consider it a deal-breaker or not.

Remember that conflict of interest goes in both directions. This means that if you are able to secure a favorable outcome in your case because of a conflict of interest, you could have it all taken away from you later if someone discovers the conflict.

What Outcome Can You Expect From Your Case?

Despite all the tension and drama of TV courtrooms, in the real world, you usually know whether you are likely to win or lose a case long before you enter the court. It is always better to be open and upfront with your attorney about the circumstances surrounding your case, not least of all so that they can give you a realistic assessment of whether you are likely to win or not. There is no sense in sinking time and money into a case that is either unwinnable or is very unlikely to produce a favorable outcome.

Ask your attorney to give you their most honest assessment of your chances and listen carefully to how they respond. Be wary of any attorney who is promising you the moon and doesn't seem to be honest about your actual chances.

Having the right attorney on your team can make a huge difference when you are facing any kind of legal proceedings. It is worth doing your homework beforehand and carefully researching so that you are sure you are hiring the best lawyer for the job.

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