Legal Guide

Can I Fire My Injury Lawyer?

Yes, you can fire your injury lawyer any time. As looks at today, there may be several reasons you wish to fire your chosen lawyer.

Everyone will engage with different professionals throughout their lives. Whether it is the mechanic, counter clerk or home renovator, many service providers are here to help. However, there are also times where our dealings with professionals are anything but professional.

The problems we can face extend to longer-than-expected wait times, poor craftsmanship and substandard service. We may be overcharged or undercharged and our experiences from one professional to the next may differ wildly. Luckily, we all have the same opportunity and that is our personal freedom.

This allows us to choose the right professional for our needs. So, whether it is a plumber or a personal injury lawyer, our ability to choose is always front and centre. This means hiring and firing professionals is part of our choice. But why would someone want to fire an injury lawyer specifically?

Well, for starters, it could just be a clash of personality. But, in other circumstances it may be that the client feels a personal injury lawyer is taking too long with a case, or that they are not being aggressive enough. Sometimes it is just a lack of professionalism, like taking a long time to reply to messages or making obvious and repeated mistakes.

Ultimately, many reasons exist to fire a personal injury lawyer. Still, it is important not to embark on the decision rashly. If you have tight deadlines to meet or are unsure of who will take over your case, it may be better to wait until you have more certainty. If you are committed to the act, however, consider following these four steps to fire your injury lawyer.

Step 1: Ensure you are not breaching your contract

The first step in firing your injury lawyer is ensuring that there will be no breach in your contract. It is best to ensure there is no clause in your contract when you hire the personal injury lawyer. If you are unsure whether there is a conflict in your contract, consider skipping to step 2.

Step 2: Hire your new personal injury lawyer

Before firing your lawyer, it is important to ensure you have a new lawyer on your side. Not only will they be able to help you with the next step, but they will also instruct you about what information you need to provide for them.

Step 3: Write a formal letter firing your former lawyer

You can write the formal letter and send it by certified mail. The letter doesn’t need to be overly verbose and can just sum up the date and purpose of the document. However, it may be more in line with your interests to have your new lawyer draft the letter. This way they can provide their contact information and request any documents or paperwork they may need to proceed with your case.

Step 4: Notify relevant parties

The final step in releasing your lawyer’s contract is notifying any relevant parties to the change in status. This may include members of the court or organizations involved with your personal injury case, like worker’s compensation or medical facilities.

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