Sexual harassment is unlawful. In the US, the 1964 Civil Rights Act prohibits discrimination of employees based on sex, race, religion, color, and national origin. Since then, several laws have been put in place to prevent bodily harassment, including the 1991 amendment to Title VII of the Act, which allows victims of harassment at work to sue for damages. This website details all the federal... ❯❯❯
Immigration law does not affect only individual lawyers but they also affect the large corporations. Several lawyers meet with daily cases of immigration where clients need relating advice. It is vital for the lawyers to not only understand how to resolve immigration issues but also to provide expertise in the subject matter. You will not agree more that immigration law has several tentacles. It... ❯❯❯
Being charged with a criminal offense can be a traumatic experience, whether it’s your first experience of the legal system or not. When you’re arrested, you’re advised that you have the right to consult a lawyer, but many people choose to speak to the police independently. Sadly, this can lead to inadvertent admissions and unnecessary consequences.
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People often believe... ❯❯❯
In a nutshell, a motor vehicle dealer surety bond will protect the buyer, creditors, and the government. When it comes to being a motor dealer, trust is pretty much involved, and the customers should have under the impression that they were told about everything that they need about their vehicle truthfully.
The creditors and the sellers trust that the merchants will pay them back for their... ❯❯❯
You might have thought about becoming a lawyer before. The law can certainly be a profession that can support yourself and your family, and you might find that it fulfills you as well. Some individuals seem like tailor-made lawyers, and perhaps you are one of them.
Let’s review some of the reasons you may want to consider a law career. It’s not for everyone, but you might discover that it’s the... ❯❯❯
Any auto accident is bad news, but crashes involving trucks are very serious business. If you have been struck by a semi, there are a few things you need to do to ensure a successful outcome in your lawsuit against the driver or the truck company.
Why are truck accidents so much more deadly than other types of road collisions?
Although car safety ratings are steadily increasing, there are two... ❯❯❯
One of America’s longest-standing youth organizations is under fire after thousands of reports have emerged of people claiming to have been sexually abused at Boy Scout camps. What once used to be a household name in America and a place where every family aspired to send their sons has now come under immense scrutiny for their actions, or perhaps the lack of actions taken to prevent sexual... ❯❯❯
It’s estimated that over 250,000 people die in the United States every year from medical errors. And with millions more receiving insufficient care and treatment from medical professionals, mistakes and negligence can cause life-changing injuries. If you have lost a loved one due to medical malpractice, or are experiencing pain and discomfort from a procedure, you must file a claim with a medical... ❯❯❯
Can you get a divorce without a lawyer? Of course, the financial burden of a divorce is relevant. But even if divorce without a lawyer reduces divorce costs, you should by no means ignore the benefits of adequate legal advice. Divorce without a lawyer is possible, but not always useful in the long run. When filing for divorce in Georgia without a lawyer it is important to keep an eye on all of... ❯❯❯
After a car accident, seemingly minor bruises or injuries may result to aggravated complications later on which could lead to life-threatening medical conditions and even death. For this reason, it’s crucial to know the types of injuries that can occur, including their signs and symptoms, long after a car crash. Keeping yourself equipped with basic information will help you recognize the warning... ❯❯❯