Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 39)

5 Attributes All Reputable Criminal Defense Lawyers Must Have

5 Attributes All Reputable Criminal Defense Lawyers Must HaveWhen faced with a criminal charge, the process can be overwhelming. The fear of being found guilty and facing prison time can be hard to bear. So, you must find a criminal defense lawyer who can act on your behalf and help you win your case. If you live in a bustling city or town, there will be a selection of criminal defense lawyers to choose from. Royalty Free Photo If you’re struggling to... ❯❯❯

Why hire a good lawyer for a DUI charge?

DUI or driving under the influence is a crime and the criminal court handled these charges. The defendant has the right to represent themselves in the court of law. In most cases, they go for a public defender or a private lawyer. In deciding which kind of legal representative you want, specific key points need attention.  Assessing the strengths and weaknesses of driving under the influence (DUI... ❯❯❯

Striking qualities of an incredible personal injury lawyer

In case of an injury following an accident, you should consult a lawyer. However, what you may not know is the process of choosing the right person. Just the fact that the lawyer has the license of practicing in your state does not ensure that they are the best choice for you. For improving your chances to win, try to get hold of a personal injury attorney on ❯❯❯

Personal Injury Lawyers: What Cases Do They Handle?

If you have been injured in an accident or a loved one has died from injuries sustained in an accident caused by someone else’s negligence or carelessness, it is highly recommended that you hire an attorney. However, you don’t want to hire the same attorney who handled your divorce or the settlement of your house as their expertise may not be in personal injury. To get compensation after an... ❯❯❯

What Are the Chances of Winning Disability With a Lawyer?

If you've applied for Social Security and were denied, there is still hope for your approval. If you want to appeal the decision, it's best to work with a lawyer with experience in Social Security issues who can represent your case. According to George Sink, an attorney who has successfully represented many clients in Social Security disability cases, applying for SSD benefits should be... ❯❯❯

Brain Injury Compensation: How Much Can You Get?

Accident injuries are frustrating, but when you suffer a traumatic brain injury, the results can be devastating. A traumatic brain injury can reduce your quality of life, possibly for the rest of your life, and place an undue burden on loved ones who may have to take care of you. A brain injury can impact your cognitive function, motor skills, verbal ability, and more, skills you once took for... ❯❯❯

Deposition Summary Steps

Depositions are vital in civil litigation and are one of the most important tools in the process of discovery. It is a must that lawyers and paralegals know how to summarize a deposition properly. A deposition summary example will show you the basic steps to summarize a deposition. The idea of a deposition summary is to give a summary of the person’s testimony in a concise and accurate manner.... ❯❯❯

Accident Lawyers and Statutes of Limitations

Accident Lawyers and Statutes of LimitationsThere is a reason why time limits for personal injury claims exist, these “statutes of limitations”, the detailed legal definition of which can be found here are there for several reasons. In simple terms, this refers to the time-limit placed on making a claim towards different offenses such as serious crimes, vehicle collisions, theft, employment lawsuits, and many more. Every country has its... ❯❯❯

5 Steps for Winning a Workplace Discrimination Lawsuit

5 Steps for Winning a Workplace Discrimination LawsuitNo matter what kind of industry you’re in, your employer has a duty of care and responsibility to keep you safe and protected at work. Should you be discriminated against because of your race, sexuality, gender, or disability, you should consider hiring a specialist lawyer and filing a workplace discrimination lawsuit. Royalty Free Photo If you feel victimized in the workplace, your productivi... ❯❯❯

The Absolute Importance Of Sydney Criminal Defence Lawyers

The Absolute Importance Of Sydney Criminal Defence LawyersIf you’re facing criminal charges and plead guilty or not, it’s best to get yourself a defence attorney. Representing yourself is possible, but not advised. Even if you think and feel you can, the court won’t be in your favour most of the time. Also, being in court isn’t just limited to defending yourself in sessions, but there are tons of legalities to think about and paperwork to go about it. ... ❯❯❯

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