Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 49)

What to Do If You Believe a Will Should Be Challenged

What to Do If You Believe a Will Should Be ChallengedWhen a relative or loved one dies, going to court over their will is something you may have never imagined you would have to do. Unfortunately, there are some cases where a will isn’t what it seems, and this may be due to your relative having dementia or another mental illness when they completed the will or if you believe the will is a forgery. If this is the case, understanding what to do next... ❯❯❯

Key Points the General Public Should Know About Construction Site Injuries

Key Points the General Public Should Know About Construction Site InjuriesAs a member of the general public, you are advised to stay away from construction sites because they can be, and often are, dangerous. However, what happens if the area was not properly cordoned off and no warning signs were visibly posted? The work in progress may not be readily apparent, such as that taking place on top floors of high-rise buildings in New York City. Pedestrians below have no... ❯❯❯

4 Common Mistakes People Make When Creating a Trust

4 Common Mistakes People Make When Creating a TrustWhen you make a mistake with a legal document, you may be creating an opening for others to challenge it. It may result in the legal document not providing all the protection you wanted. Or your mistakes may invalidate the document altogether. This is problematic in a contract, but it is disastrous in documents like a trust. Here are the four most common mistakes people make when creating a... ❯❯❯

Top 5 Causes of Boating Accidents

Before you get out on the water this summer, prepare yourself to keep you and your family safe by reading up on five of the biggest causes of boating accidents. Boat collisions can be hazardous and cause tremendous amounts of expensive damage as well. Operating While Intoxicated Alcohol use causes more deaths in boating accidents than any other known factor, according to reports from the U.S.... ❯❯❯

Day Drinking And Driving: Tips To Avoid A DUI

You’re on vacation so you’ve been out enjoying a few casual drinks with friends during the day. You didn’t mean to drink very much, but now you’re worried about what might happen if you get pulled over. The best idea is always to play it safe and don’t drive at all if you think you might have too much alcohol in your system. If you don’t have any choice and you need to get behind the wheel, here... ❯❯❯

10 Tips for Manufactured Home Financing in 2019

The pathway to securing manufactured home financing continues to differ from site-built structures, but interest rates are highly competitive. It stands to reason that financial institutions would have a wider variety of lending options available for site-built houses. That’s because they comprise a larger share of the housing market. But manufactured home financing options are trending due to... ❯❯❯

Which Software Can Help Reduce Your In-house Legal Costs?

They say time is money, so it’s no wonder that companies around the world are turning to technology to aid with administrative tasks. Legal costs can quickly add up, so why not utilise modern software to help reduce in-house legal costs? A recent Law Society report suggested that technology is the biggest driver of change across the legal sector, helping businesses dramatically reduce their... ❯❯❯

Top Mistakes Employers Make with the Unemployment Insurance Process

Top Mistakes Employers Make with the Unemployment Insurance ProcessUnemployment insurance offers short-term financial aid to individuals who meet the eligibility parameters. Individuals who collect the benefits of these insurances are legally responsible for ensuring that they are following the specific rules set by their district. Since navigating through this system can be baffling, many employers make some common mistakes while contesting against them. So, if... ❯❯❯

Complaints – Common Thing for Every Business

Complaints – Common Thing for Every Business            Complaints are very common nowadays, regardless in which industry the company operates. Even the best and most superior companies on the market receive complaints about different things. Truth is that no matter how good a company is, they can never satisfy everyone. Most companies have accepted the fact that there will be dissatisfied customers from different reasons. However, the way... ❯❯❯

What Happens If You Get Caught Possessing Drugs and What Can You Do About It?

Most people don’t ever expect to be caught with drugs, but it does happen all of the time. They might be pulled over by the police while they’re driving and the police notice the drugs or they might be caught purchasing the drugs. No matter how they were caught, it’s important to know what can be done about it to try to minimize the potential penalties. Hire a Lawyer to Review the Case The... ❯❯❯

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