Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 69)

10 Well-Known Types of Lawyers

10 Well-Known Types of LawyersThere are lawyers for every type of legal problem you may ever have in your life. Lawyers can help you from cradle to grave. They can help you get ready for marriage with a pre-nup agreement and to end it amicably with a separation or divorce. They can help you start a business, sue a competitor or trademark your invention. If there is a legal problem, there’s a lawyer standing by, waiting to... ❯❯❯

When You Need a Lawyer

When You Need a LawyerLife throws many different circumstances at us that push us to ponder several actions. Some of those actions tend to be legal or end up bringing about legal consequences. While there are obvious situations and predicaments people find themselves in that glaringly highlight their need for a lawyer e.g. criminal charge, many still find it difficult to identify scenarios that will be better... ❯❯❯

But it was an Accident : The 5 Ways Trucking Companies Try to Get Away Without Paying After a Collision

An auto accident, especially if it involves a truck, could mean serious injuries or even death. Fighting the trucking company or their insurance provider for compensation is the last thing you want to do at this time. Unfortunately, many companies are not willing to pay their accident victims, meaning you will have to battle with them to get the compensation you deserve. Here are five ways truck... ❯❯❯

4 Things to Consider When Hiring a Personal Injury Lawyer

4 Things to Consider When Hiring a Personal Injury LawyerYou could suffer a personal injury anywhere. That might include slipping and falling on an icy walkway or being hit by something that falls out of a window. However, most personal injuries that involve personal injury lawyers tend to be from automobile accidents. If you have a car accident, you are likely to be shaken up physically and emotionally. You might even be more hurt than you first... ❯❯❯

How to Find New Clients as a New Lawyer

So you’ve put in all the work and you’re now being called to the bar as a licensed lawyer. Now comes the challenge of finding clients to represent. Below are some tips for the new lawyer looking to build their reputation and client list. Network One of the most effective strategies you can use to help build your reputation is to network with other professionals in the law industry. This can... ❯❯❯

The Compulsory Purchase Order Process (CPO)

What Is a Compulsory Purchase Order? For those of you who aren’t aware, a compulsory purchase order (CPO) is a legal process that allows certain public bodies to force homeowners to sell their property if the property is on land required for a regeneration project, or it is deemed to be in the “greater public good”. This often includes projects like the construction of new roads, stadiums or... ❯❯❯

Enhancing Personal Injury Compensation Claims

It is really important to know exactly what the next step is in a personal injury case. Victims have to deal with so many things ranging from the personal injury claim to dealing with medical expenses. A failure to properly assess the situation will always lead to having to deal with some expenses that could have easily been avoided or covered through a proper settlement amount. Unfortunately, in... ❯❯❯

Changes to the H-1B Visa Program

The H1-B visa is designed to allow U.S. companies to employ graduate-level workers (or those who can demonstrate an educational equivalent) in speciality occupations, such as science, medicine, IT, finance, engineering, etc. Before looking at some recent changes to the H1-B visa that have already taken place — and some significant shifts that may be on the horizon — here are some additional basic... ❯❯❯

Basic Strategies Used by Criminal Defence Lawyers in Calgary

If you’ve been arrested by the Calgary police, the first step to defend yourself is to ask for a lawyer. The criminal defence lawyers in Calgary can protect your rights and deal with the Crown prosecutors so that you’re accorded all your rights during the resolution process of your case. Your lawyer can negotiate a plea deal, or you can go ahead with a trial to determine your guilt or lack... ❯❯❯

New Drunk Driving Rules in Alberta You Need to Know About

Alberta has recently updated its drunk-driving rules, responding to a stream of road-traffic incidents in recent years and resulting in a notably increased severity of the consequences facing those charged with driving under the influence. As familiarizing ourselves with the laws that govern our lives is one the most important steps of avoiding a criminal charge, it is well worth scrutinizing... ❯❯❯

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