Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 76)

Don’t Put Your Divorce in the Wrong Hands

Going through a divorce can be one of the most traumatic events in one’s life. Even if the parting of the ways is rather amicable, there is still that feeling oftentimes of disappointment, frustration, and even the sense that you somehow let your partner and others around you down. Making matters worse is when the divorce does not go as smoothly as you had hoped for. In such cases, both your... ❯❯❯

Is It Time to Get Legal Help?

If you go through your entire life without ever running afoul of the law, you will certainly be in good company with millions and millions of other people. On the other hand, more than just a simple traffic ticket or misdemeanor charge, well, then you could be looking at a major roadblock in your life. In the event you have been charged with a sexual assault, the time to get help is immediately.... ❯❯❯

Georgia DUI Laws, Penalties and Fines

Georgia DUI Laws, Penalties and FinesBeing arrested for a DUI is something everyone must take very seriously. A lot of people laugh of these interactions with the police, especially when they come home after having been arrested. But it is not right to take these things lightly, because you can end up with heavy fines or potential jail time if you do not make a real effort to ensure you are properly represented in court. Whenever... ❯❯❯

11 Facts about US Divorce Laws

11 Facts about US Divorce Laws  Denying Visitation Based on Child Support Child visitation is not related to child support. Even if one spouse is behind on their child support payments, they are not declared ineligible to see their kid. The two issues are separate from a legal point of view. Committing Adultery Means Giving Up Even if you are the person who cheats in a relationship, it does not mean you give up... ❯❯❯

3 of the Worst DUI Stories in the Recent US History

3 of the Worst DUI Stories in the Recent US HistorySometimes we do not take the gravity of our actions into account when we are caught up in the moment. If you leave a bar or a club and you do not “feel” drunk, you may think it is okay to drive and get yourself home as quickly as possible. After all, we each think of ourselves as a wonderful driver who would never get into an accident. But driving late at night, coupled with the fact that we have... ❯❯❯

So You Need A Personal Injury Attorney

The circumstances that lead you to needing a personal injury attorney are never good, and incredibly stressful.  In addition to the physical and emotional pain  that comes with the incident, there are the additional concerns of just trying to maintain your life in the face of all that has happened.  If you have been seriously injured in an accident, or if you’re meeting immediate resistance in... ❯❯❯

How to Get Fired for Your Social Media Posts

You have a right to express your opinions and beliefs in public. No one can take that away from you. Even if your choice of words is offensive, you can say pretty much whatever you want. That doesn’t mean that you are entirely protected from the consequences of your actions. Social media posts have been the downfall of many reckless employees who chose to publicly rant about their jobs, supervisor... ❯❯❯

AAA Study Links Falls, Auto Accidents for Older Drivers

A recent report from the AAA Foundation for Traffic Safety concludes that older drivers with a history of falling are 40 percent more likely to be involved in an auto accident than other people their age. There are several factors at play in this conclusion. Double Distress The study surmises that there are two detriments involved in the causation. First, older people who have suffered falls... ❯❯❯

Lessen the Odds of Cyber Theft

With many consumers still struggling in today’s economy, it should not come as a huge surprise that these same people (and just about everyone for that matter) doesn’t want to have to deal with identity theft. As the news and data show, however, identity theft is a real problem for many Americans. Even those consumers going out of their way to protect themselves, yes, they sometimes fall prey... ❯❯❯

How does a Personal Injury Claim Process Work?

How does a Personal Injury Claim Process Work?Everyone knows about personal injury lawsuits and how they involve suing a negligent party for the injury you suffer, but not many people know about the specifics of how these lawsuits work. Contrary to popular belief, a personal injury claim does not begin from the moment you talk with an attorney, but from the moment you get into an accident. In Utah, or any other state, your actions in the... ❯❯❯

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