Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 80)

The Best Legal Practice Areas For Law Students

The Best Legal Practice Areas For Law StudentsAre you considering a career in law? Does the idea of heading off to university and getting qualifications seem appealing? Then you’ve come to the right place. You’ll have to specialise in a certain area of law to ensure you get the right training for your chosen profession. Knowing which practice area to select can be tough without experience. That is why we’ve published some information about... ❯❯❯

Estate Planning For Medical Professionals

As much as a medical practitioner would want to give the best care for their patients, they must also factor in protection for their medical business entity as well as their personal assets earned throughout the long years of practice. Estate planning for medical professionals involves issues like regulatory and asset protection typically encountered in planning for individual practitioners as... ❯❯❯

Leaving The US After Obtaining A Green Card: Immigration Laws

Many immigrants have gone through the lengthy procedure to get a green card in the United States. For many immigrants, the day they receive their green card is celebrated as a life-changing milestone.     However, there are certain conditions that the US Immigration have in place which warrant the removal of  a     green card holder's permanent residency status . If you just received your green... ❯❯❯

NY State Bankruptcy Laws Compared To Other States

If you are a New York resident considering filing for bankruptcy, there are some important things you need to know. While US bankruptcy laws are governed by federal law and share certain similarities across the nation, the state of New York has a different process. Here’s what you should know when filing for bankruptcy in New York and how the process differs in other states.   Credit counseling... ❯❯❯

Can You Still Buy a Home after Declaring Bankruptcy?

Can You Still Buy a Home after Declaring Bankruptcy?Declaring bankruptcy is often a decision that people will do everything in their power to avoid. Though it is not an ideal financial decision, a lot of people are discovering that they can recover and rebuild their financial stability after declaring bankruptcy. One financial hurdle that people who have a past record of bankruptcy need to get through is finding their perfect home to live in.... ❯❯❯

Things To Consider When Hiring a Lawyer in Richmond Hill

There are so many different situations that can happen in life that will require a person to seek out legal help. Finding a way to get the right lawyer can be a bit easier said than done. Usually, there will be a number of different things that need to happen in order to narrow down the selection of lawyers in a given area. The first thing to do in this process is to make a list of the available... ❯❯❯

A Day In The Life Of A Criminal Lawyer

A Day In The Life Of A Criminal LawyerCriminal lawyers are the most infamous solicitors in the industry. That’s because of their high profile appearances in films and on the news. It’s an exciting, and fast-paced world. In fact, it’s one of the most adrenaline-pumping jobs in law. Let’s face it, no-one ever made a movie about a business lawyer drawing up contracts, did they? Criminal lawyers are faced with some of the most challenging... ❯❯❯

Understanding Who is Qualified for a Disability Tax Credit for Mental Illness

Suffering from a mental illness is quite a serious issue and one that affects many more Canadians than many people are aware of. These diseases can affect a person’s physical well-being, as well as their ability to have relationships with family members and friends. Believe it or not, one in every five Canadians are going to suffer from some type of mental illness during their life. While there... ❯❯❯

4 Things You Might Not Know About Facing Criminal Charges

4 Things You Might Not Know About Facing Criminal ChargesMost of us will go through life without ever facing police charges. However, some of us will. Worse still, an unfortunate few will face them despite being innocent. Innocent or not, it’s important to understand that there is a chance of being arrested at some stage in your life. Knowing how to deal with this unenviable situation is a must. As with most things, knowledge is power. You should take... ❯❯❯

What To Do If You're A Victim Of Police Misconduct

What To Do If You're A Victim Of Police MisconductEveryone assumes that the police are there to uphold the law of the land. They get involved when people are breaking the law, and they help to keep us safe in our communities. For the most part, those are the things that they do - and they do them well. But, in a few rare cases, they get things wrong. They might do so by mistake, for example. Of course, there are times where the police do things... ❯❯❯

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