Legal Guide

Putting a Stop to Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

Putting a Stop to Sexual Harassment in the Workplace

The days when employees were expected to smile in the face of demeaning and disrespectful behavior in the workplace are, thankfully, behind us. This does not mean that sexual harassment is a thing of the past, but today there is a federal legal framework in place that defines sexual harassment in the workplace and provides a mechanism for victims of this behavior to seek legal recourse. If you believe that you are experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace, your first response should be to report the harassment to your employer. If the employer is not able to resolve the situation quickly and completely, you should contact a Utah sexual harassment lawyer to ensure that your right to a harassment-free workplace is protected.

What is sexual harassment?

Contrary to what many people may think, both men and women can be the victims of sexual harassment, although cultural norms may make it more difficult for men to bring forward a charge of sexual harassment to their employers. In the most basic sense, sexual harassment is any form of unwelcome sexual advance. This can include touching, displays of sexual material, sexually suggestive comments or jokes. It can also include any implication that a person’s job prospects in some way hinge of the provision of sexual favors. Targets of sexual harassment may be made to feel that they “can’t take a joke” or that they are “too uptight.” While it can be especially problematic if the harasser is in a position of authority, sexual harassment can be perpetrated by co-workers. Generally speaking, sexual harassment refers to a pattern of repeated behavior rather than to one incident, unless the victim is physically assaulted. The net result of sexual harassment is the creation of a hostile or intimidating workplace, and the limitation of a victim’s prospects for advancement.

Is there anything I can do myself?

Yes, there is. It may be the case that a colleague simply does not understand that his or her behavior is being perceived by you as sexual harassment. If you feel comfortable doing so, it may be possible to resolve the situation simply by explaining to the other person in specific terms that their behavior is unwelcome and needs to stop immediately. In many situations, this will be sufficient to put an end to it. Be sure to document the conversation in the change that the situation continues and needs to be escalated.

Can I be punished for complaining about sexual harassment?

The law says that you cannot be punished in any way for bringing an allegation of sexual harassment to the attention of your employer, nor for participating in an investigation of workplace sexual harassment. Most employers will take such allegations very seriously and will investigate accordingly. That said, if you feel that the employer has taken the view that you are “over-reacting” to particular behaviors, or that you are being undermined at work as a result of your claim, you may decide to consult a lawyer.

What are the benefits of reporting sexual harassment?

Reporting sexual harassment can have several benefits for you and your workplace. First, it can help you stop the harassment and restore your dignity and well-being. Second, it can prevent the harasser from targeting other employees in the future. Third, it can improve the overall work environment by making it clear that sexual harassment is not tolerated and that employees have the right to work free from discrimination and intimidation. Fourth, it can protect you from any retaliation or adverse consequences that may result from your complaint.

How can a lawyer help me with my sexual harassment claim?

How can a lawyer help me with my sexual harassment claim?

A lawyer can help you with your sexual harassment claim in several ways. A lawyer in this field understand the law well and they know about details such as the differences between sexual molestation and sexual assault. They can help you in many ways. First, a lawyer can advise you on your legal rights and options and help you decide the best course of action for your situation. Second, a lawyer can help you gather evidence and documentation to support your claim and present it in a clear and persuasive manner. Third, a lawyer can represent you in any negotiations or litigation that may arise from your claim and advocate for your best interests. Fourth, a lawyer can help you seek compensation for any damages or losses that you have suffered as a result of the sexual harassment, such as emotional distress, lost wages, medical expenses, or career opportunities.


Sexual harassment is a serious problem that affects many employees in various workplaces. It can cause physical, psychological, and professional harm to the victims and create a hostile and unproductive work environment for everyone. If you are experiencing sexual harassment in the workplace, you should not suffer in silence or feel ashamed. You have the right to report the harassment to your employer and seek legal assistance if necessary. By doing so, you can protect yourself and others from further abuse and make your workplace a safer and more respectful place.

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