Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 44)

4 Crucial Questions You Should Ask when Hiring a Dispute Resolution Lawyer

4 Crucial Questions You Should Ask when Hiring a Dispute Resolution LawyerFinding the right resolution lawyer for your case can be a challenge – and, making the wrong choice could have serious consequences. The right lawyer will make sure that you get a fair judgement, resolve your case as fast as possible, and do everything to make the whole process as clear as possible for you. Good resolution lawyers will also make sure that you understand their fee structure and... ❯❯❯

What are the most popular fields of law? Discover 5 of them here

These days more and more people are turning away from their regular 9-5 jobs and looking for something a little more challenging. Something with prestige, and a reputation for brilliance, intelligence and where no two days are ever the same. That’s right, becoming a lawyer has never been more popular and with more people heading to law school and subsequently sitting the bar exam, it’s safe to... ❯❯❯

How to Choose a Divorce Lawyer?

How to Choose a Divorce Lawyer?Getting a divorce is already bad enough for a person but losing more than half of your assets in a divorce is one of the worst things that can happen to a person simultaneously. That is why it is important to choose the right divorce lawyer in order to walk away from a messy divorce unscathed. In order to help you in choosing the right divorce lawyer, we have compiled a list that you should... ❯❯❯

Can I Increase My VA Disability Rating?

You should only try to increase your VA disability rating if you have a warranted medical reason for doing so. The only basis on which the VA will change a disability rating is if an injury, illness, or disability for which a rating was already assigned has deteriorated or worsened over time. One example of this would be an injured vet who receives benefits for an injured leg. As a result of... ❯❯❯

How Insurance Companies Strongarm Victims to Avoid Paying Out Car Accident Settlements

Insurance companies are known to strongarm victims of car accidents. Allstate was recently reported as one of the worst insurance companies for victims because the company will drag out claims and offer low settlements. If an accident involves two parties with the same insurer, it can be even more difficult to secure a fair settlement. Insurers strongarm victims in several ways: Deny, Deny and... ❯❯❯

When to Settle or Go to Trial in a Car Accident Case

People who suffer injuries in a car accident due to someone else’s negligence are often left in confusion as to what steps to take. So many times, injuries sustained in a car accident can be severe and require severe and expensive medical care. When a person’s injuries are serious, there are losses because they may find themselves unable to enjoy life or work as they did before the car accident. ... ❯❯❯

Citizenship by Investment: What Immigrant Entrepreneurs Should Know

The EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program enables immigrant investors who are interested in engaging in enterprises that benefit the United States economy to gain residency and citizenship rights. Multiple criteria must be fulfilled for investors to qualify. In November 2019, new rules went into effect that modernize the EB-5 Program. Immigration and business attorneys can help immigrant investors... ❯❯❯

Injured at the Airport?

When people are injured at an airport, liability may fall on a number of entities including the airport manager, the airline, vendors, and even a contracting maintenance or custodial company. Filing a personal injury or wrongful death lawsuit against the wrong defendant could cause the court to dismiss the case. If the statute of limitations expires in the meantime, victims could lose their right... ❯❯❯

Hurt in a Work-Related Car Accident?

When people suffer injuries in a car accident while performing activities that are tied to their jobs or while engaging in some other type of work-related activity, they may be able to recover compensation from a variety of sources. In addition to workers’ compensation benefits through their employer’s insurance company,  victims may be able to file a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault... ❯❯❯

How to understand your case

If you’re involved in a lawsuit, it might be difficult to understand what’s going on in your case. You might wonder what is the statue of limitations for my case? How long will it take to get a settlement? Is my lawyer doing everything correctly? The judicial system is complicated and there’s often a lot of jargon floating around that might feel overwhelming or confusing. But don’t worry. The... ❯❯❯

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