Legal Guide

Legal Guide (Page 47)

Spinal Cord Injuries: How Serious & How To Seek Legal Help

Damage to your spine is among one of the most serious injuries you can suffer. They can be life-threatening and will certainly affect your day-to-day life and career. If the accident isn’t your fault, then taking a legal route with a lawyer specialising in the industry is a must in order to seek compensation. It’s believed that as many as 400,000 people in the USA have spinal injuries and a... ❯❯❯

Why Hiring Auto Accident Attorney Is the Best Way of Increasing Your Personal Injury Settlement

There is no law stating that an insurance company is obligated to compensate victims for the injuries they suffer and pain experienced. This is a court decision. Attorneys often fear a court process, which is why they will propose an out-of-court settlement. But what if this offer is insultingly low? One thing you can do is to threaten them with filing a lawsuit. However, if you don’t have a... ❯❯❯

Family Law In Florida If You’re Not Married

Many people get into serious committed relationships without needing the state to recognize that marriage in an official ceremony.  These people buy property, insure each other, have children and live fully integrated lives without being married.  How do people in Florida who aren’t married divide their lives when their relationships are finally over. Common Law Marriage in Florida. There is no... ❯❯❯

Have you considered consulting an employment lawyer?

Every profession is laden with challenges! And some problems are all about attaining the business targets amidst stressful situations. Other challenges involve workplace insecurities and complications. There have been instances of work politics and discrimination that has made life complicated for employees. Seeking the correct solution is essential here. And for this, they need to get in touch... ❯❯❯

Filing a personal injury claim after a car accident? Avoid these 4 common mistakes

Most of life’s biggest events are unexpected, especially the ones you didn’t want. Like being in a car accident that wasn’t your fault. When you’re injured due to the negligence of someone else it can feel like the whole world is against you. However, help is at hand. Choosing to file a personal injury claim means that you’ll be in touch with an attorney who’ll get you the monetary result you... ❯❯❯

Unsure if you have a personal injury claim? Check out the most common cases here.

Life is here to be enjoyed. Which means that when something goes wrong and it wasn’t your fault, it’s not only inconvenient, but it has the potential to be utterly devastating. This is where a personal injury claim comes in. A personal injury claim is when the victim of an incident files for compensation after the negligence of another party resulted in causing them harm. Harm that should have... ❯❯❯

How to Request a Loved One’s Medical Records After Death

How to Request a Loved One’s Medical Records After DeathThe loss of a loved one is already difficult to deal with without the added pressure of obtaining their medical records. There may be many reasons that you need to obtain these records and you are well within your rights to request them. If they have received negligent medical care and you want to make a claim, obtaining their medical records is a great start alongside getting legal advice. If... ❯❯❯

Tripped and Fell? 5 Ways to Build a Stronger Case

If you’re one of the thousands of people who are injured in a slip and fall incident each year then you might be wondering where you stand legally. And whether or not you’re entitled to some kind of compensation. Afterall, it wasn’t your fault! A slip or trip within a building, parking lot, shopping mall or store is usually the responsibility of the property manager. Esepically if the incident... ❯❯❯

The Bankruptcy Means Test: What It Is, Why It Matters?

If you are considering filing for Chapter 7 Bankruptcy, you will be required to complete the bankruptcy means test. This test is used to determine if your income qualifies you to file for this type of bankruptcy. Chapter 7 is a type of bankruptcy in which the nonexempt possessions of the debtor are sold, or liquidate, in order to satisfy the amount owed. In order to qualify for Chapter7,... ❯❯❯

How Can a Property Claims Lawyer Help You After a Natural Disaster

Every year, natural disasters cause billions of dollars in structural damage. Even if you’re not in an area frequently hit by floods, tornadoes or wildfires, you could be hit hard when something unexpected happens in your town. When your home sustains damage in a fire or a storm, rebuilding is difficult. You have to put your life on hold and maybe even find someplace else to live while waiting... ❯❯❯

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